Oneamour Review 2024 – An In-Depth Look at the Online Dating Platform

Last Updated 2023-07-18

Pros & Cons

  • - Oneamour is a legit dating site that stands out from most dating sites by offering a wide range of interactive features to spice up your online dating game.
  • - Unlike other dating sites, Oneamour doesn't hold back on providing its users with cool features free of charge, making it an affordable option for those who want more bang for their buck.
  • - With Oneamour, you can finally ditch the boredom because this lively platform knows how to keep the conversations flowing and make your online dating experience super fun.
  • - Oneamour claims to be a legit dating site, but it's not exactly winning any popularity contests in the online dating world.
  • - Unlike most dating sites out there, Oneamour seems determined to keep your wallet empty with sneaky hidden charges popping up left and right.
  • - While some dating sites offer basic features for free of charge, don't expect the same generosity from Oneamour—it’s like trying to find a diamond in a haystack...on a cloudy day.

How Does Oneamour Work?

Oneamour, a popular dating site, was created with the aim of connecting individuals from different locations across the globe. Users can easily sign up for free on Oneamour and start browsing through profiles to find potential matches. The platform offers a diverse range of users, including people from various backgrounds and interests.

Oneamour provides key features that enhance the online dating experience. The private support chat allows users to seek assistance if they encounter any issues or have questions about using the site.

Users can also personalize their profile by adding a profile photo which helps in attracting potential matches. Additionally, Oneamour has an app that enables users to access the platform conveniently anytime, anywhere.

On Oneamour, users can engage in private chats with other members who have caught their interest. This feature enhances communication and provides an opportunity for meaningful connections to be formed. Overall, Oneamour offers an efficient sign-up process, extensive user profiles, private support chat, profile photos, and an easy-to-use app to ensure a seamless dating experience for its members.

How to Make Contact on Oneamour

Are you curious about the different contact options available on Oneamour, a popular dating site? In this section of our Oneamour review, we will explore the various ways in which members can connect with potential matches. From private support chat to the convenient oneamour app, there are numerous options to facilitate communication and enhance your online dating experience.

  • Oneamour is an online dating site where users can interact with other members through private chat features.
  • Users have the option to sign up for free on Oneamour and create a profile using their chosen profile photo.
  • The Oneamour app offers a convenient platform for users to communicate and engage in private support chat for any assistance they require.

On Oneamour, users have various options to make contact with other people on the dating site. After completing a quick and straightforward sign-up process, users can create their profile by adding relevant information about themselves along with an attractive profile photo. This helps in catching the attention of potential matches and increasing the chances of making meaningful connections. Once signed up and ready to explore, users can utilize the Oneamour app or website to search for compatible partners based on their preferences.

The platform also offers a private chat feature that allows individuals to engage in one-on-one conversations, fostering deeper connections and getting to know each other better. In case assistance is needed or any concerns arise, there is also a private support chat available for users' convenience.

Connecting with others on Oneamour is easy thanks to its user-friendly features and tools. With several ways to find potential matches and initiate contact, this dating site caters well to different communication preferences.

From creating an appealing profile with captivating photos through the simple sign-up process, members are set up for success right from the start. Whether using the efficient Oneamour app or navigating through the website's interface, individuals can conveniently browse through profiles matching their criteria — be it location-based or personal interests-driven filters. To foster privacy and intimacy between two users, they have access to a private chat feature where they can communicate directly without interruptions from external sources or distractions on site-wide chats threads.

Registration Process

Are you interested in joining Oneamour? The registration process is simple and straightforward, allowing potential members to quickly create an account. Additionally, Oneamour offers a trial membership with a specified trial period for users to explore the platform's features before committing. It's worth noting that upon expiration of the trial period, the membership will automatically renew unless canceled beforehand.

  • Access the registration page on the Oneamour website.
  • Fill out the required personal information in the provided fields to initiate the registration process.
  • Opt for a trial membership during the registration and be sure to understand the trial period terms and conditions, including the automatic renewal policy.

To proceed, the next step in beginning your journey on Oneamour is creating a profile. The registration process involves providing necessary personal details and preferences to customize your experience on the platform. It's worth noting that upon completing the registration, users are awarded a trial membership for a specified period, allowing them access to certain features for evaluation purposes. Keep in mind that unless canceled before expiration, the trial membership will automatically renew into a paid subscription plan of your choice.

  • Sign up for a Oneamour account by going to their website and starting the registration process.
  • Fill in the required information, such as your name, email address, gender, age, location, and a chosen password.
  • Verify your email address through the provided link sent to your inbox during the registration process.
  • Once your account is verified, log into your Oneamour profile using your registered email address and password.
  • Complete your profile by adding relevant details like your interests, hobbies, and preferred partner qualities.
  • Upload an attractive and clear profile picture to make your account visually appealing.
  • Explore the trial membership options available on Oneamour, which can provide you with a limited access experience on the platform for a specific trial period.
  • Consider the terms of the trial membership, including any automatic renewal provisions after the trial period ends.
  • Make sure to familiarize yourself with any applicable charges or fees associated with the automatic renewal process.
  • Enjoy utilizing your newly created profile on Oneamour to connect with potential matches and discover exciting romantic opportunities.

Interface & Design

The interface of Oneamour is clean and user-friendly, providing a seamless experience for its users. The design incorporates modern elements, with an intuitive layout that makes navigation effortless. Users can easily access various features and sections of the website, such as profile settings, search options, and messaging. Additionally, the color scheme used is visually appealing and enhances the overall aesthetic of the platform.

Oneamour's design focuses on simplicity while ensuring all necessary functionalities are readily available. The minimalist approach eliminates clutter and distractions, allowing users to focus solely on connecting with others effectively. The interface prioritizes ease of use by organizing information in a logical manner and using clear icons for different actions. Overall, Oneamour's interface and design offer an enjoyable browsing experience that facilitates meaningful connections between its users.

What I Liked as a User

During my month-long experience using Oneamour, I found several aspects of the platform to be quite likable. Firstly, interacting with other members was a pleasant and easy process. Secondly, managing my Oneamour account was made convenient by the inclusion of popular payment methods like Google Pay. Although I did not have any major issues during this period, it is worth mentioning that the presence of a supportive support manager added an extra layer of reassurance to my overall experience on the platform.

  • Oneamour offers a user-friendly platform that allows me to connect with other members easily. I appreciate the intuitive interface and smooth navigation, which makes it simple for me to browse profiles and interact with potential matches. This convenience has saved me time and effort in finding new connections.

  • Having a Oneamour account provides a secure and private space for online dating. I value the safety measures implemented by the platform, such as identity verification and profile moderation. Knowing that my personal information is protected gives me peace of mind while interacting with others on the site.

  • Oneamour offers a variety of convenient payment options, including Google Pay. This flexibility adds convenience to the experience, allowing me to upgrade my membership or make in-app purchases hassle-free. I find this feature particularly useful as it saves me from dealing with cumbersome payment processes.

  • The support managers at Oneamour have been commendable in addressing any queries or concerns I have. They are prompt, helpful, and efficient in resolving issues or providing guidance. Whenever I needed assistance with technical matters or had questions, they were just a message away. It's reassuring to know that there is a reliable support system available whenever I need it.


Oneamour offers both free and paid features to its users. The free membership allows users to create a profile, browse other profiles, and send direct messages to potential matches. However, the platform also provides premium services for those looking for added benefits. One unique feature on Oneamour is the virtual gifts option, allowing users to send digital presents as a way of expressing interest or affection towards someone.

In addition, Oneamour offers a compatibility score system that helps users gauge their compatibility with others based on various factors like interests and personality traits. This can be a useful tool for narrowing down potential matches. Another notable feature is profile boosting, which enables members to promote their profiles and increase visibility among other users. With these diverse offerings, Oneamour aims to enhance the online dating experience for its members.

  • Virtual Gifts: Oneamour allows users to send virtual gifts to express their interest and appreciation to other members, enhancing the overall communication experience.
  • Compatibility Score: The platform provides a compatibility score that assesses the compatibility between two individuals based on their profile information, interests, and preferences.
  • Profile Boosting: Oneamour offers a profile boosting feature to increase visibility and attract more attention from potential matches, increasing the likelihood of finding compatible partners.
  • Direct Message: Users have the option to directly message each other, leading to seamless and private conversations to foster connections and explore mutual interests.


A premium membership on Oneamour offers a range of benefits, including access to advanced features and enhanced user experience. The prices for a paid subscription are competitive when compared to other similar platforms in the market. However, it is worth mentioning that Oneamour can still be used without paying, but with limitations in functionality and features.

Compared to other options available, the free version of Oneamour provides a decent experience but may lack some of the added perks enjoyed by those with a premium membership. To purchase a subscription, users have the option of making payment through credit card or other accepted methods, ensuring convenience and ease when investing money into their online dating journey.

The pricing structure for Oneamour's premium membership ensures that users receive value for their investment while enjoying an optimized platform for connecting and interacting with potential matches.

With various payment options accepted such as credit cards, subscribing becomes hassle-free and easily accessible. While using Oneamour without paying is possible, opting for the premium membership enhances one's overall experience by providing additional features not available to non-paying members. Regardless of whether one chooses to invest monetarily or makes use of the free version – either way – they can engage effortlessly within this well-established online dating community.

Subscription Option Price Features
One Month $9.99 per month Unlimited messaging, access to profiles and photos, advanced search filters
Three Months $19.99 total All features of one-month subscription, plus priority customer support
Six Months $29.99 total All features of three-month subscription, plus see who liked your profile
Twelve Months $39.99 total All features of six-month subscription, plus incognito mode, ability to undo swipes

Free Services

  • Oneamour offers a range of free services such as creating a profile, browsing through profiles of other members, and sending messages.
  • Users can access basic features without the need for a premium membership.
  • Oneamour allows users to search for potential matches based on their preferences at no cost.
  • The platform provides a free chat functionality to communicate with other members.
  • Oneamour enables users to upload photos and view images shared by others without requiring a premium membership.
  • Oneamour does not charge any fees for signing up or registration.
  • Enjoy the benefits of Oneamour's free services without the need to provide credit card information.
  • Users are not required to spend any money to utilize the basic features offered by Oneamour.

Paid Services

  • Oneamour offers a premium membership option that provides exclusive benefits and features.
  • Payment for the premium membership can be made conveniently via credit card.
  • The paid services of Oneamour require the use of money for accessing advanced features and functionalities.

With a premium membership on Oneamour, users can enjoy a range of enhanced features that simplify their experience. Unlike the free counterpart, premium membership allows users to connect with other members more easily and efficiently without any limitations. Additionally, signing up for premium membership requires only the use of a credit card - providing convenience and eliminating any concerns about wasting money on incompatible match suggestions.

Profile Quality and User Base

  • Oneamour boasts the highest number of registered members compared to other sites or apps, providing a vast and diverse pool of potential matches.
  • Profiles on Oneamour are equipped with a variety of high-quality pictures, allowing users to get a more comprehensive visual representation of potential partners.
  • The profile system on Oneamour provides an in-depth insight into each registered member's personal interests, preferences, and relationship goals, enhancing compatibility matching.
  • With its unique features, Oneamour offers a distinct platform where individuals can create profiles that reflect their own personality and showcase their uniqueness.

When browsing through the user profiles of other members on Oneamour, I noticed that most members had well-detailed profiles. They seemed to have taken the time to provide information about their interests, hobbies, and what they were looking for in a relationship. However, some profiles lacked pictures or only included a few low-quality images, which made it harder for me to get an accurate impression of the person. Overall, it was interesting to see the diverse range of individuals who are registered members on this dating platform.

Having explored various user profiles on Oneamour, I realized how crucial it is to make one's profile stand out from others. As mentioned earlier, including high-quality pictures can significantly enhance the appeal of a profile and increase the chances of attracting potential matches. Additionally, providing detailed information about oneself and being clear about personal preferences can help create a more engaging and compelling profile that captures attention amidst the many registered members.

  • Use high-quality and visually appealing pictures: This helps to catch the attention of most members and make a strong first impression.
  • Showcase your unique personality through the profile description: By expressing yourself authentically, you can stand out from other registered members and attract like-minded individuals.
  • Highlight your interests and hobbies: Having specific and interesting details lets others know more about you, making your profile more memorable compared to others.
  • Be positive and enthusiastic in your profile: Being upbeat and optimistic creates an attractive vibe that can draw the attention of potential matches among the pool of registered members.
  • Show confidence but avoid arrogance: Confidence can be attractive, but it is important not to come across as self-centered or boastful, ensuring a balanced and approachable profile.

Safety & Privacy

Safety and security are of utmost importance at Oneamour. The platform implements a user verification process, ensuring the authenticity of profiles. Additionally, it actively combats fake accounts and bots to maintain a reliable user base. Users are provided with the option of two-step verification for added security. To ensure that no inappropriate content is shared, all photos are manually reviewed by moderators.

Oneamour also prioritizes privacy by implementing a comprehensive privacy policy.

Despite its efforts in providing a safe environment, there are areas for improvement regarding safety and security on Oneamour. Although the platform takes measures against fake profiles, continuous vigilance is required to further mitigate their presence and any potential risks they may pose. Moreover, enhancing the support team's responsiveness to address users' concerns promptly would be advantageous in maintaining trust and satisfaction among the community members.

Fake Profiles

Oneamour has been dealing with the issue of fake profiles and bots on its platform. The support team is aware of this problem and takes measures to ensure user safety. They constantly monitor the site for suspicious accounts and promptly delete them. Oneamour respects user privacy and actively works towards creating a secure online environment for its members.

  • Stay vigilant against fake profiles and bots on Oneamour by being cautious while interacting with unknown users.
  • If you suspect a profile to be fake or encounter suspicious behavior, don't hesitate to report it immediately to our support team. They are dedicated to ensuring a safe environment for our users.
  • Protect your privacy by not sharing any personal information or financial details with other users on the platform. Remember, genuine connections can be made without compromising your safety or privacy.


Users can access support for Oneamour through various channels. The platform provides a dedicated support page where users can find information on how to contact the support team. Support inquiries can be made via email, and there is also a phone number available to reach out for assistance. Response time for queries is relatively quick, ensuring that users receive prompt help when needed.

Additionally, Oneamour offers a comprehensive FAQ page that addresses commonly asked questions.

Compared to other alternatives, Oneamour's support stands out due to its multiple communication options and efficient response times. With both email and phone support available, users have various means of reaching out for assistance. Furthermore, the inclusion of an informative FAQ page demonstrates the platform's commitment to providing comprehensive self-help resources for its users


Alright folks, gather round! Today, we're diving into the murky depths of online dating, and let me tell ya, I've stumbled upon a doozy of a site called Oneamour. Now listen up closely because I'm about to spill some piping hot tea here. Let's cut straight to the chase, shall we? Oneamour is like a bad blind date set up by your well-meaning but clueless Aunt Gilda. You know the type — they promised you heaven on Earth, but instead delivered an anxiety-inducing nightmare that left you questioning your life choices. Now before you get too excited about finding your one true love on this so-called "dating" app, let me hit you with some real talk: it's a total scam. Yep, you heard me right! I decided to take one for the team (you're welcome) and put my skeptical goggles on while navigating through the treacherous waters of Oneamour.

And boy oh boy, what an adventure it was! Picture yourself lost in a maze of fake profiles and unanswered messages - it was like trying to find Waldo in a crowd full of Waldos. My experience with Oneamour can be compared to ordering pizza from a place claiming to have "the best pies in town." But when that cheesy goodness arrives at your doorstep—it's nothing more than limp crust smothered in questionable toppings. Disappointing doesn't even begin to cover it. You see, dear readers, no matter how hard I swiped or how charming my witty banter became (we both know it was top-notch), I couldn't escape the feeling that I had stumbled into digital quicksand. It sucked away my time and money faster than you can say "catfish." But fear not! I'm here today as your virtual cupid with advice hotter than freshly baked cookies straight outta grandma's kitchen. If you want success in the online dating world, Oneamour is certainly not your best course of action.

Take a detour down a road more traveled instead. So let's bid farewell to Oneamour, shall we? It's time to swipe left on this total scam and set our sights on greener pastures. Trust me, you deserve better than an app that feels like trying to find a needle in a haystack shaped like Justin Bieber's face. Don't waste another precious second on this virtual wasteland. Instead, get out there (safely, of course) and explore the vast sea of dating apps where love really might be just one swipe away. After all, as they say: plenty fish in the sea! And with that final dose of wisdom dropped like it's hot, I'll leave you to ponder your next move in the tumultuous realm of online romance. Until next time, my courageous daters - happy swiping!

Video: Oneamour review


1. Is Oneamour legit?

Yes, Oneamour is legit! I tried it out myself and was impressed with the search results - there were a lot of potential partners to choose from. The platform also seemed to have a vibrant community with active and genuine users.

2. How does Oneamour work?

Oneamour works by allowing users to search for partners based on their preferences and desired criteria, such as age, location, and interests. Once the search is done, the website displays a list of potential matches or search results that match the user's preferences. Users can then view profiles and connect with other users they find interesting.

3. What is Oneamour?

Oneamour is an awesome online dating platform where you can browse through search results to find potential partners who are also on the site. It's a great way to connect with other users and see if there's a spark!

4. Is Oneamour any good?

Oneamour is definitely worth giving a try! It offers impressive search results, making it easy to find potential partners. Plus, there are plenty of active and interesting other users to connect with on the platform.

5. Can you send messages for free on Oneamour?

Yeah, for sure! On Oneamour, you can easily send messages to other users without paying a cent. It's an awesome feature that lets you connect and chat with potential partners once you've found them in your search results. So, go ahead and start those conversations without worrying about unlocking your wallet!

6. How to cancel subscription on Oneamour?

To cancel your subscription on Oneamour, head to the website and click on your profile icon. Then, find the settings option and scroll down till you see "Cancel Subscription." Once clicked, follow the prompts to confirm the cancellation. Remember that after cancelling, you won't appear in search results or be able to connect with other users as potential partners.

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My name is Gil Melle, and living with a famous name is an adventure. Whenever I introduce myself, people ask, "The jazz musician?" I smile and say, "No, I'm a dating coach." In a bustling city, my office helps those seeking love. I also write for Hitwe, share tips on Brides By Mail, and run my website Gil Melle. Despite the confusion, I embrace my namesake and focus on helping people find the right rhythm in their love lives.

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