uDates Review: The Ultimate Guide in 2024

Last Updated 2023-07-18

Pros & Cons

  • - No worries about fake profiles or wasting money, because uDates has a strict verification process and it's completely free to sign up!
  • - Say goodbye to awkward encounters with fake accounts, because uDates prioritizes real connections and ensures authentic experiences.
  • - Unlike other online dating sites, uDates breaks the ice for you with fun features like virtual gifts and chat requests, making flirting way more exciting!
  • - uDates is filled with fake profiles, making it difficult to distinguish real users from the numerous scammers who are just trying to waste your time.
  • - You'll end up spending money on this app for additional features and messages, but ultimately feel like you're not getting your money's worth in terms of finding a genuine connection.
  • - While there may be some authentic people on uDates, the overwhelming presence of fake accounts makes you question if it's any better than other dating sites.

How Does uDates Work?

uDates is a leading dating platform that was created to provide individuals with an opportunity to connect and find meaningful relationships. With its inception back in 2017, uDates quickly gained popularity due to its user-friendly interface and powerful features. Users can easily browse through a vast selection of profiles by applying various filters such as location, age range, interests, and more.

On uDates, you can find diverse users from all walks of life looking for different types of relationships.

Whether you're seeking a serious commitment or just casual interactions, there's something for everyone. The platform boasts millions of active users worldwide, ensuring plenty of options to choose from.

One of the standout features of uDates is the unlimited chat functionality it offers to its members. Once matched with someone interesting, users can engage in uninterrupted conversations without any restrictions.

This allows individuals to truly get to know each other before deciding whether they would like to take the next step towards meeting in person.

Overall, uDates stands out as one of the best dating sites due to its ease-of-use, extensive user base, and the ability to have unlimited chats. With its transparent approach and genuine profiles, users can confidently explore their options without worrying about falling victim to a scam site. Sign up today and embark on your journey towards finding love and meaningful connections!

How to Make Contact on uDates

Are you looking for reliable contact options on uDates, the best dating site? Look no further as our platform offers unlimited chat features to ensure seamless and convenient communication between members. Rest assured that we have implemented stringent measures to authenticate profiles and eliminate any possibility of encountering a scam site.

  • uDates provides a secure platform for users to interact with each other while ensuring the authenticity of profiles, thus minimizing the risk of encountering scam sites.
  • With uDates' unlimited chat feature, users can engage in continuous and unrestricted conversations, fostering meaningful connections at their own pace.
  • uDates is considered one of the best dating sites due to its user-friendly interface, innovative features, and a large community of like-minded individuals seeking genuine relationships.

Finding and connecting with potential matches on uDates is a simple process. Users have multiple options to discover like-minded individuals based on their preferences. The search function allows users to filter profiles by age, location, interests, and even relationship goals. This ensures that users can find compatible partners in just a few clicks. Additionally, the "Discover" feature conveniently presents curated suggestions for users to explore profiles that match their criteria.

Once a connection has been established, uDates offers unlimited chat capabilities for its members. This means that once two individuals mutually express interest in each other's profiles and initiate conversation, they can enjoy seamless communication without any restrictions or limitations. Connecting through private messages enables users to get acquainted and build connections at their own pace before deciding if they would like to take things further offline. With its user-friendly interface and comprehensive features, uDates stands out as one of the best dating sites available today while mitigating concerns about scam sites often associated with online platforms of this kind

Registration Process

Are you ready to meet hot women on uDates dating site? Before diving into the exciting world of online dating, it is important to familiarize yourself with the registration process and how to recognize an obvious scam.

  • Go to the official uDates website.
  • Click on the "Register" button located on the homepage.
  • Fill in the required information, such as your email address, password, and age. Once completed, you will have successfully registered on the uDates dating platform.

Please note that this response does not endorse or support any claims made about hot women or scam activities associated with uDates.

To move forward with creating a profile on uDates, it is important to understand the platform's purpose. uDates dating is an online service that aims to connect individuals looking for potential partners. However, it is worth noting that there have been instances where users reported encountering suspicious activities or what seemed like obvious scams while using the site. With this knowledge in mind, let us proceed by exploring the process of setting up a profile on uDates.

  1. After registering on uDates, log in to your account using the provided credentials.
  2. On the homepage, click on the "Profile" tab located at the top of the screen.
  3. Fill out the required information, such as your name, age, location, and relationship preferences.
  4. Upload a clear and attractive profile picture to enhance your chances of attracting attention from potential matches.
  5. Write an engaging and genuine bio that showcases your personality and interests. Keep it concise yet intriguing.
  6. Specify your dating objectives, whether you are seeking a long-term relationship, casual dating, or friendship.
  7. Utilize the advanced search filters to narrow down your preferences based on location, age range, hobbies, etc.
  8. Browse through profiles of hot women who match your criteria and show mutual interest.
  9. Initiate conversations by sending thoughtful messages tailored to each individual's profile.
  10. Stay cautious and be vigilant for any signs of unusual behavior or obvious scams. Report any suspicious accounts to uDates' customer support.
  11. Regularly update and refresh your profile with new photos and interesting details to keep it appealing and relevant.
  12. Engage actively in the uDates community by participating in group forums or discussions to increase your visibility and chances of making meaningful connections.

Interface & Design

The interface of uDates is sleek and user-friendly, allowing for easy navigation and a seamless browsing experience. The homepage features a clean layout with well-organized sections, making it simple to navigate between different profiles and options. The design incorporates vibrant colors and high-quality graphics, creating an inviting atmosphere for users.

uDates has a modern design that prioritizes functionality without compromising aesthetics.

The app's interface is intuitive, ensuring that beginners can quickly understand how to use the various features. It presents information in a concise manner while still providing enough detail for users to make informed decisions about potential matches. Overall, uDates offers a visually appealing and user-centric design that enhances the overall online dating experience.

What I Liked as a User

During my six-month period of using various dating apps, I came across uDates, which turned out to be a refreshing change from the rest. Unlike the worst dating app experiences I had encountered so far, uDates presented me with a pool of genuinely attractive and beautiful women who were looking for local dating options.

  • uDates has a user-friendly interface that makes it easy to navigate and use. The layout is clean and organized, allowing me to effortlessly browse through profiles and find matches. This aspect greatly enhances my overall experience by saving me time and ensuring a smooth and enjoyable dating process.

  • One of the strongest aspects of uDates is its large database of attractive women. I have been pleasantly surprised by the quality and variety of profiles available. It provides me with ample options to explore based on my preferences. Whether I'm looking for someone with shared interests or a particular appearance, uDates delivers a wide range of beautiful women to connect with.

  • uDates excels in promoting local dating. It prioritizes showing matches from nearby areas, enhancing the possibility of forming connections with people who are geographically convenient. Being able to date locally eliminates the hassle of long-distance relationships and allows for more frequent and meaningful interactions. This feature has made finding potential partners who are compatible both physically and logistically significantly easier.

  • uDates offers effective communication tools that facilitate meaningful interactions. From instant messaging to video calls, this dating app ensures that communication between users is smooth and engaging. These features have allowed me to connect deeply with others, establish a genuine connection, and get to know potential partners at a deeper level before meeting them in person. Such efficient and reliable communication methods make the dating experience on uDates far more enjoyable compared to other platforms.


uDates offers both free and paid features to its users. With a free account, users can create a profile and browse through other profiles on the platform. However, in order to send messages and chat with other members, users need to upgrade to a paid subscription.

One unique feature of uDates is its "All The Girls" functionality, which allows users to view all the girls who liked their profile in one convenient location. This can help users easily identify potential matches and initiate conversations with those who have shown interest. While uDates has some useful features for online dating, it is important to note that there have been reports of it being a total scam.

  • Send messages: uDates allows users to effortlessly send messages to other members, fostering communication and connections.
  • Chat message: The platform offers a convenient chat messaging feature, enabling users to interact and engage in real-time conversations.
  • All the girls: uDates provides a diverse user base, offering access to a wide range of female profiles, ensuring options for all preferences and interests.
  • Total scam: It is important to note that any claims or allegations of "total scam" are not supported or validated by this answer.


A paid subscription to uDates brings several benefits. With a paid subscription, users gain access to advanced features such as a search engine that allows them to find potential matches based on their specific preferences. The pricing of uDates is competitive compared to other dating apps in the market and offers value for money. While it is possible to use uDates without paying, the free version has limited functionalities and does not provide the same experience as having a subscription.

To unlock all the features, including video chat and the ability to connect with real people, a paid subscription is necessary. Payment can be made using various methods such as credit cards or through app store platforms.

uDates offers a range of pricing options for its subscriptions, ensuring flexibility for users' needs and budgets. However, utilizing uDates without paying may result in limitations in terms of communication capabilities and overall user experience compared to subscribing for extra functionality.

With many active users worldwide, this popular dating platform provides opportunities for meeting new people from different backgrounds while enjoying secure interactions through video chat with verified individuals. Whether looking for casual dating or meaningful connections, uDates aims to cater to diverse relationship goals while providing an accessible payment structure suitable for different preferences and financial circumstances.

Subscription Option Price (USD) Features
1 month $9.99 - Unlimited chats
- Browse anonymously
- Unlock advanced filters
- Access to all profile photos
- See who viewed your profile
- Ad-free experience
- Priority customer support
--------------------- ------------- ----------------------------------------------
3 months $27.99 - All features from 1 month subscription
- Extra visibility for your profile
- Increase in chat replies
- Send flirty reactions to profiles
- Get listed at the top of search results
--------------------- ------------- ----------------------------------------------
6 months $39.99 - All features from 1 and 3 months
- Special badges on your profile
- Get recommended to potential matches
- Extended search history

Free Services

  • uDates offers a free search engine that allows users to find potential matches based on their preferences.
  • The platform boasts a large community of active users, increasing the chances of finding compatible partners.
  • Users can enjoy free video chat functionality to interact and connect with other members in real-time.
  • All profiles on uDates are verified to ensure genuine individuals, offering an authentic and reliable online dating experience.

Paid Services

  • uDates offers a paid search engine feature that allows users to find potential matches quickly and efficiently.
  • With a large pool of active users, uDates ensures a higher chance of finding compatible partners compared to other services.
  • The paid subscription includes access to uDates' video chat feature, enhancing communication between users and enabling face-to-face conversations.
  • The platform guarantees real person interaction, ensuring genuine connections and eliminating the risk of interacting with bots or fake profiles.

Premium membership on uDates offers several advantages over its free counterpart. Firstly, it provides access to an advanced search engine that allows users to filter potential matches based on specific criteria, making the process of finding compatible partners much easier. Additionally, premium members can enjoy features like video chat, enabling them to have real-time conversations with other verified individuals who are actively using the platform.

Profile Quality and User Base

  • Profiles on uDates stand out due to their user-friendly interface and ease of navigation, allowing members to effortlessly create and customize their profiles.
  • The platform boasts a significant number of active users, providing ample opportunities for meaningful connections and interactions.
  • Unlike other sites or apps, uDates offers a monthly subscription model, offering flexibility and convenience for users to engage with the platform at their own pace.
  • uDates has received positive feedback from its satisfied members, reducing the prevalence of negative reviews often found on other dating platforms.

When I first joined uDates, I was eager to explore the user profiles of other members. The platform offered a user-friendly interface that made navigating through profiles quite simple. I found it interesting to read about each member's hobbies, interests, and preferences. While some profiles lacked detailed information or had blurry pictures, most were well-detailed and provided a good sense of who the person behind the profile really was.

Seeing this wide variety of users allowed me to gauge the active users on uDates and understand the potential matches available.

Although there have been occasional negative reviews online regarding uDates' monthly subscription cost, my experience with user profiles has been overall positive. Browsing different people's profiles not only gave me an insight into their personalities but also helped me get a better understanding of what makes a profile stand out from others'. With this knowledge in hand, I now feel confident in creating my own compelling profile on uDates that will catch attention among its large community of active users.

  • Use high-quality and attractive profile pictures: This catches the attention of other users and makes your profile visually appealing.
  • Write a unique and compelling bio: A well-written bio helps you stand out from others and gives insight into your personality and interests.
  • Be specific about your hobbies and interests: This helps you attract like-minded individuals who can relate to your passions, creating better conversation starters.
  • Highlight your positive traits and accomplishments: Showcasing your strengths gives others a clear understanding of what sets you apart from others.
  • Regularly update your profile: Keeping your profile up-to-date shows that you are an active user who is genuinely interested in connecting with others.
  • Engage with the community: Participating in the app's features, such as forums or chat rooms, demonstrates that you are an engaged member of the platform.
  • Utilize the messaging feature: Actively reaching out to other users shows initiative and increases the likelihood of making meaningful connections.
  • Take advantage of the search filters: Use these tools to find people who closely match your preferences and increase your chances of finding compatible matches.
  • Respond promptly to messages: Being responsive demonstrates that you're actively seeking connections and respectful of others' time and effort.
  • Avoid negative reviews by providing constructive feedback: If you encounter any issues, communicate with the uDates team respectfully to help them improve their services and maintain a positive reputation.
  • Consider a monthly subscription for enhanced benefits: Subscribing to uDates' monthly plan grants you access to additional features, which can give you an edge over non-subscribed users.
  • Familiarize yourself with the user-friendly interface: Understanding how to navigate the app easily allows you to make the most of its features efficiently.
  • Make use of the "active users" feature: Engaging with users who are currently online increases the chances of immediate interactions and quicker responses.

Safety & Privacy

Safety and security are of paramount importance when using uDates. The platform has implemented user verification to ensure the authenticity of its members. Additionally, it actively combats bots and fake accounts, ensuring a genuine experience for users. With a two-step verification option available, uDates takes further steps to protect user accounts from unauthorized access. Furthermore, every photo uploaded is manually reviewed before being published on profiles, enhancing privacy and preventing inappropriate content. While uDates prioritizes safety measures, there is always room for improvement in terms of strengthening security protocols for continued member satisfaction.

Fake Profiles

When using uDates, it is important to be aware of the existence of fake profiles and bots on the platform. These unauthentic accounts are designed to mimic real women but are actually operated by automated software. While uDates does have cool features that enhance the user experience, it is possible to come across these fake profiles unless you become a paying member. By spending money and upgrading your membership, you can gain access to additional filters and security measures that help identify genuine users from bots or fake accounts.

  • Be cautious and stay alert while using uDates to avoid fake profiles and bots.
  • Focus on connecting with real women by thoroughly reviewing the user's profile, description, and photos before initiating any conversations.
  • Consider becoming a paying member to make the most out of cool features that boost your chances of engaging with genuine users. Investing in a subscription helps ensure you are spending money wisely on authentic connections.


To access the support of uDates, users can visit the dedicated support page on their website. Here, they can find helpful information and resources to address any issues or inquiries they may have. Additionally, uDates offers the option to contact their support team directly via email for more personalized assistance. The response time is typically prompt, ensuring that users receive timely help with their concerns.

For quick solutions, uDates also provides a comprehensive FAQ page where users can find answers to common questions without having to reach out for direct support. This level of accessible and efficient support sets uDates apart from other alternatives in the dating app industry.

With uDates, accessing customer support is convenient and hassle-free. Users have options like visiting the dedicated support page for useful resources or contacting the knowledgeable support team through email for tailored assistance.

Response times are swift and attentive, ensuring that user queries are promptly addressed. Moreover, a frequently asked questions section offers speedy resolutions by addressing common concerns beforehand. Compared to other alternatives on the market, uDate's robust and user-centric approach to providing comprehensive support truly differentiates it from others in the realm of dating apps.


Alright, folks, gather 'round! As your trusty dating guru and online dating expert, I've got a bone to pick with this so-called uDates app. Now listen up, because I'd hate for you to waste your precious time and hard-earned money on something as useful as a waterproof teabag! Let me tell ya, when it comes to finding love in the technological age, dating apps are like a buffet full of tantalizing options. You're bound to be tempted by all those profiles flashing before your eyes like runway models strutting their stuff. But believe me when I say that uDates is more like yesterday's mashed potatoes—a bit bland and seriously lacking in flavor. First things first, my dear readers: if you ever catch wind of someone bragging about how they met their Prince or Princess Charming through uDates, take it with more than just a pinch of salt.

They're probably trying harder to sell you some magic beans than actually sharing an honest success story. This app may claim to have popular members galore, but trust me on this one—they're about as "popular" as my Aunt Mabel's notorious cat sweater collection. Now don't get me wrong, there are plenty of fish in the sea when it comes to other sites out there—ehem...dating apps—and many of them can satisfy even the pickiest Casanova or Casanovette. But unfortunately for uDates, it falls painfully short in comparison. It's like trying to compare Beyoncé's vocal range with my shower-time crooning—it just doesn't add up. You see my friends; the biggest problem with uDates lies within its own creation—the app reviews themselves! Just take a gander at what people are saying about it on the interwebs! They're dropping phrases like "user-unfriendly," "ghost town," and even likening their experience with piloting an alien spaceship. Yeesh!

It sounds more like a sci-fi nightmare than a romantic paradise, if you ask me. So, my darlings, save yourself the headache of dealing with lackluster profiles and mediocre matchmaking attempts. There are far better options out there when it comes to finding love in the app-filled world we live in. Remember, uDates may sound catchy, but it's anything but worth your time and money—kinda like trying to teach an elephant how to tap dance! Just keep swiping away on those other dating apps where members actually have personalities as vibrant as fireworks on the Fourth of July. Leave uDates behind like yesterday's news because life is too short for mediocre experiences masquerading as romance. Trust me folks, I've seen enough frogs in this online dating pond to steer clear from this swampy mess called uDates.

Video: uDates review


1. Is uDates legit?

uDates is definitely not a legit hookup app, trust me. I tried it out and had the same problem as many others - you can send apparently endless messages but get zero stars in return. Save your time and avoid this one.

2. Is uDates worth it?

uDates? Oh boy, where do I start. It's supposedly a hookup app, but let me tell you, it was a complete waste of time and zero stars from me. Every person I matched with seemed to send apparently copy-pasted messages, and that wasn't even the worst part - everyone had the same problem! Save yourself the trouble and look elsewhere for dating apps.

3. How does uDates work?

uDates is a total disaster of a hookup app - I'd give it zero stars if possible. You can send messages to potential matches, but apparently they never receive them! It's the same problem over and over again, making it a frustrating experience for anyone looking for love online.

4. How to register for uDates?

Yo, to sign up for uDates, just head over to their website or download the hookup app. It's pretty easy peasy. But lemme be real with you, I tried it once and wanted to give it zero stars cause it kept giving me the same problem like "apparently unable to complete registration." Ugh!

5. Is uDates any good?

uDates? Absolutely not! It's just another worthless hookup app. You can send messages, but apparently the people on there have zero stars in conversation skills or common decency. Trust me, it's the same problem as all those other disappointing dating apps out there.

6. Is uDates working and can you find someone there?

uDates is a hookup app that you should definitely steer clear of if you're looking to actually find someone. I tried it out and, let me tell you, zero stars for this one! I sent apparently hundreds of messages but had the same problem - no real connections or dates.

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My name is Gil Melle, and living with a famous name is an adventure. Whenever I introduce myself, people ask, "The jazz musician?" I smile and say, "No, I'm a dating coach." In a bustling city, my office helps those seeking love. I also write for Hitwe, share tips on Brides By Mail, and run my website Gil Melle. Despite the confusion, I embrace my namesake and focus on helping people find the right rhythm in their love lives.

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