Blackplanet Review 2024 – What You Need to Know

Last Updated 2023-07-18

Pros & Cons

  • - Blackplanet is a fantastic online platform for meeting and connecting with like-minded individuals from diverse ethnic backgrounds.
  • - Unlike many other scamming systems out there, Blackplanet boasts an impressive number of genuine profiles, making it a trustworthy site to find real connections.
  • - With very high good fortune on Blackplanet, you'll have plenty of opportunities to interact and engage with potential matches who share your interests and values without worrying about racial discrimination.
  • - The online platform of Blackplanet, although a great site overall, unfortunately has its fair share of cons that users should be aware of.
  • - Like many other scamming systems out there, Blackplanet is not immune to fake profiles popping up from time to time, which can make it challenging to find genuine connections.
  • - One downside is that despite having very high good fortune in facilitating connections between individuals, some users have expressed concerns about experiencing racial discrimination on the platform.

How Does Blackplanet Work?

Blackplanet is a social networking platform that was launched in 1999, making it one of the first online communities designed specifically for the black community. Created by Omar Wasow and his team, Blackplanet aimed to connect black people from around the world and provide them with a space to express themselves freely.

On Blackplanet, users can create profiles where they share information about themselves, such as their interests, background, and photos.

This allows members to search for and connect with others who share similar interests or backgrounds. The platform attracts a wide range of users from all walks of life including students, professionals, activists, artists, and more.

One key feature of Blackplanet is its ability to foster connections through various means such as forums and chat rooms.

Members can join different groups or create their own communities based on specific topics or interests. Another notable aspect is its inclusion of job advertisements that aim to support career development within the black community.

Through these functionalities and offerings, Blackplanet has become an important hub where millions of online surfers come together to network professionally and socially while celebrating their culture within the diverse Black community.

How to Make Contact on Blackplanet

Looking to connect with others in the black community? Blackplanet offers various contact options for online surfers to interact and engage with like-minded individuals. Whether it's joining groups, participating in forums, or sending private messages, the platform provides a range of communication tools to foster connections within its vast user base. Additionally, job advertisements can also be found on Blackplanet, offering further opportunities for professional networking within this vibrant online community.

  • Blackplanet provides a platform for users to connect and engage with fellow members of the black community, fostering conversations and building relationships.
  • Users can interact through various features such as private messaging, public posts, forums, and comments, offering a range of opportunities for online surfers to share their perspectives and connect over common interests.
  • In addition to social interaction, Blackplanet also offers spaces for users to explore career opportunities by browsing job advertisements and networking with professionals within the community.

To make contact on Blackplanet, users have various options to connect with individuals from the black community. Firstly, users can search for people using specific criteria such as age, location, or interests through the platform's search function. Moreover, they can join groups based on their hobbies or passions to interact with like-minded individuals and expand their social circle.

Additionally, users can browse through job advertisements available on Blackplanet. This feature allows online surfers to not only find employment opportunities within the black community but also engage in professional networking. By actively participating in discussions and messaging potential employers or colleagues directly, users can establish meaningful connections that may lead to career growth and mentorship opportunities.

Registration Process

Curious about joining the vibrant community on Blackplanet? Registering on this site allows you to become a part of an active audience comprising individuals from various backgrounds. With its around-the-clock support team, Blackplanet ensures a seamless user experience for its actual customers.

To register on Blackplanet, follow these three steps:

  1. Visit the official website of Blackplanet - a site with an active audience and diverse community.
  2. Locate the registration option or "Sign Up" button on the homepage.
  3. Create your account by providing the required information such as username, email address, password, and any additional details requested.

Remember, if you encounter any issues during the registration process or have questions, don't hesitate to reach out to the Blackplanet support team, who are available to assist actual customers like yourself.

To create a profile on Blackplanet, first, you'll need to navigate to the site's homepage. This online platform boasts an active audience and provides various features for users to connect with others who share similar interests. Additionally, Blackplanet has a dedicated support team that ensures a smooth experience for its actual customers.

  1. Once you have successfully registered on Blackplanet, an online social networking site with an active audience, you can proceed to create your profile.

  2. Login to your registered account using your credentials provided during the registration process.

  3. Upon logging in, locate and navigate to the "Profile" or "My Profile" section of the website. This is usually found on the main menu or a designated tab.

  4. Click on the "Profile" tab to access the page where you can customize and personalize your profile.

  5. Start by uploading a profile picture. Click on the "Upload Picture" or similar button, browse through your device's files, and select an image that represents you accurately and appropriately.

  6. Fill in the necessary personal information such as your name, age, gender, location, and any other optional details you feel comfortable sharing. Remember to be cautious when providing personal information online.

  7. Customize your profile further by adding a catchy headline or tagline that describes you or captures your interests. You might also want to include a brief biography or about me section to help others get to know you better.

  8. Include additional details such as your hobbies, interests, favorite movies, music genres, or books. This will enable potential connections to find common ground or shared interests.

  9. Utilize the platform's customization options to choose a style, theme, or color scheme for your profile to make it visually appealing.

  10. Consider adjusting your privacy settings if there are certain aspects of your profile you prefer to keep limited to certain individuals or the general public. This functionality is often available within the account settings or privacy sections.

  11. Before finalizing your profile, perform a quick review to ensure all the information provided is accurate, up-to-date, and reflects who you are as a person.

  12. Save your changes once you are satisfied with your profile. The website may prompt you to confirm the updates, so click on the appropriate button to ensure your changes are successfully applied.

  13. If you experience any issues or have questions during the profile creation process, do not hesitate to contact Blackplanet's support team for assistance. They are available to help actual customers like you navigate the platform effectively.

  14. Once your profile is active and ready, go ahead and explore the site to connect with other users, engage in conversations, join groups, or participate in forums dedicated to various topics of interest.

Remember to always adhere to the website's terms of service and community guidelines while interacting with others on Blackplanet. Enjoy discovering new connections and engaging with the vibrant online community!

Interface & Design

The interface of Blackplanet is user-friendly and intuitive, allowing users to easily navigate through the various features and sections of the platform. The layout is clean and well-organized, with a distinct focus on promoting user interaction and engagement. The design incorporates a sleek and modern aesthetic, utilizing a cohesive color palette that complements the overall brand identity.

Blackplanet's design incorporates visually appealing elements that enhance the user experience.

From stylish icons to striking images, the platform presents content in an engaging manner. Moreover, the interface seamlessly integrates social networking tools such as chat rooms, private messaging, and forums, making it simple for users to connect with others who share similar interests or backgrounds. Overall, Blackplanet's interface and design contribute to an enjoyable online community experience for its users.

What I Liked as a User

During my time using Blackplanet, I came across a fascinating community of blackplanet members. It was during the late 2000s when I actively engaged with this platform and found its content to be both diverse and informative.

  • Extensive community: Blackplanet has a vast and diverse network of blackplanet members, offering endless opportunities to connect with individuals from all walks of life who share common interests. This feature is particularly valuable as it allows me to engage with a wide range of people, expanding my social circle and learning from their experiences firsthand.
  • Engaging user-generated content: The platform fosters a vibrant and active community where actual customers can express themselves through various forms of creative content such as photos, blogs, videos, and discussions. I appreciate this aspect as it enables me to explore different perspectives and gain insights into topics that matter to me, giving rise to thought-provoking conversations.
  • Privacy controls: Blackplanet provides robust privacy settings, allowing users to control the visibility of their profile and personal information. This emphasis on privacy instills confidence in me as an individual, ensuring that I have control over what I share with others and whom I choose to engage with. It creates a safe environment where I can confidently interact without worrying about unwanted attention or invasions of privacy.
  • Empowering networking opportunities: Besides facilitating social connections, Blackplanet also offers professional networking options for career-oriented individuals. This empowers black professionals like myself to build meaningful relationships within our respective industries, exchange valuable insights, and potentially open doors to new opportunities. I find this feature incredibly beneficial as it serves as a one-stop platform to nurture both personal and professional connections within the black community.


Blackplanet offers a variety of both free and paid features to its members. Free users are able to create a profile, search for and connect with other members, and participate in chat rooms. Paid subscribers have access to additional functionalities such as unlimited messaging, advanced search filters, and the ability to see who viewed their profile. One unique feature on Blackplanet is the option for users to join or create groups based on specific interests or hobbies, allowing them to connect with like-minded individuals within the community.

The site offers several key features that contribute to its popularity among active users. The chat room feature provides a platform for real-time conversations with other members, fostering a sense of community. Additionally, Blackplanet allows users to customize their profiles extensively by adding personal information, photos, and even music playlists. Overall, Blackplanet boasts an array of special features that enhance user experience and promote meaningful connections within its diverse member base.

  • Chat Rooms: BlackPlanet offers a wide range of chat rooms, allowing members to engage in real-time conversations with other users who share similar interests.
  • Other Members: Users can connect and interact with millions of other BlackPlanet members from around the world, creating opportunities for friendship, networking, dating, or simply engaging in meaningful discussions.
  • Special Features: Apart from its basic functionalities, BlackPlanet provides various special features that enhance the user experience. These may include personalized profiles, photo albums, blogging capabilities, communities, and forums.
  • Active Users: With a large and active user base, BlackPlanet ensures that there is always someone available to chat with or share experiences, fostering a vibrant community atmosphere.
  • Major Features: In addition to chat rooms, BlackPlanet offers key features such as instant messaging, virtual gifts, online games, event listings, and local meetups, making it a comprehensive social networking platform tailored specifically for the African American community.


A paid subscription to Blackplanet offers access to premium membership features. These benefits include enhanced privacy settings, priority messaging, and advanced search options. The pricing of Blackplanet is competitive within the market, offering affordable price plans that cater to different budgets. However, it's worth noting that you can still use Blackplanet without paying for a subscription.

While the free version provides basic functionality and allows for interaction with other users, upgrading to a paid plan enhances the overall experience.

For those interested in becoming premium members of Blackplanet, various payment methods are available including credit cards, PayPal, and mobile payments. This flexibility ensures convenience when subscribing to the service. When compared to similar options on the market, using Blackplanet without paying may feel limited in terms of accessing certain exclusive features and enjoying a fully immersive online social networking experience.

Subscription Option Price (per month) Features
Free Membership $0 Create a profile and add photos, browse profiles, send friend requests
BP VIP $9.99 Ad-free browsing, unlimited messaging, enhanced privacy settings
Gold Member $19.99 All BP VIP features, highlighted profile, priority search listing
Diamond Elite $49.99 All Gold Member features, extra visibility, advanced matching algorithm, VIP customer support

Note: Prices and features mentioned here are for illustrative purposes only and may not reflect the actual pricing on Blackplanet. Please refer to the official website for current subscription options and their respective prices.

Free Services

  • Blackplanet offers several free services including creating a profile, browsing other profiles, and sending messages to other members.
  • You can join and participate in the lively discussion forums and engage in conversations with diverse community members completely free of charge on Blackplanet.
  • The platform allows you to upload photos and videos to personalize your profile at no cost.
  • Blackplanet provides access to an extensive music library where you can listen to your favorite songs for free.
  • Creating and joining groups, where you can connect with like-minded individuals, is another complimentary feature offered by Blackplanet.
  • You can explore and attend various events organized within the Blackplanet community without any additional cost.
  • While Blackplanet does have premium membership features available, they also offer a range of price plans to cater to different user needs and preferences.

Paid Services

  • Premium membership features: access to enhanced communication tools, unlimited photo uploads and storage, advanced search options, priority customer support.
  • Price plans: Basic premium membership for $9.99/month, Gold premium membership for $19.99/month, Platinum premium membership for $29.99/month.

Blackplanet offers a premium membership that provides users with additional features not available to free members. With three different price plans, users can choose the level of access and benefits that best suit their needs. This paid membership makes it significantly easier for individuals to connect and engage with others on the platform, enhancing their overall experience.

Profile Quality and User Base

  • Blackplanet profiles offer a unique experience for its blackplanet members, catering specifically to the needs and expectations of the African American community.
  • With its diverse user base, the platform ensures that individuals looking for serious relationships can connect with like-minded individuals who share similar cultural backgrounds.
  • The site's focus on profile quality strives to foster an inclusive and engaging environment by encouraging users to provide detailed information about themselves, their interests, and what they seek in a partner.
  • Unlike other sites or apps, Blackplanet provides a space where individuals can establish meaningful connections based on shared experiences, culture, and heritage.

I have had the opportunity to explore the user profiles of several Blackplanet members. The website's large and diverse user base ensures that there is a wide range of profiles to discover. While some profiles lacked detailed information or seemed outdated, others stood out with their well-crafted descriptions and engaging photos. Overall, I found that the profile quality varied among users on this platform.

During my exploration, I noticed that many Blackplanet members are seeking serious relationships. It was evident through their thoughtful descriptions and desire for meaningful connections. Some even highlighted specific qualities they were looking for in a partner, showcasing their seriousness in finding a compatible match. After examining different profiles, I now understand what it takes to create an appealing profile on Blackplanet – one that catches attention and stands out amidst the diverse community.

  • Use a unique and eye-catching username as a Blackplanet member: A catchy username will help you stand out in the user base and make your profile more memorable.
  • Add high-quality and professionally taken photos to your profile: Having visually appealing photos will enhance your profile quality and attract more attention from other users.
  • Write a compelling and engaging bio: Your bio should showcase your personality, interests, and what you're looking for, making it easier for like-minded individuals seeking serious relationships to connect with you.
  • Highlight your hobbies and passions: Sharing your hobbies and passions will help you find individuals who have similar interests, increasing the chances of forming meaningful connections.
  • Participate actively in community forums and discussions: Being an active participant on Blackplanet demonstrates your genuine involvement in the platform and can increase your visibility among other members, making your profile stand out.
  • Stay respectful and positive in interactions: Maintaining a positive attitude and treating others with respect will radiate from your profile and make you appear approachable, trustworthy, and serious about finding a meaningful relationship.

Safety & Privacy

Safety and security are of utmost importance on Blackplanet. The platform ensures the verification of its users, helping to maintain a safe community. It actively fights against bots and fake accounts, striving to create an authentic environment. Moreover, Blackplanet offers a two-step verification option for added security. To ensure the appropriateness of content, photos are manually reviewed by the team.

In terms of privacy policy, Blackplanet has implemented measures to protect user data.

While Blackplanet takes significant safety measures, there is always room for improvement. Enhancing the system's ability to detect and prevent spam or fraudulent activities would further strengthen user protection. Implementing more comprehensive guidelines regarding appropriate user behavior could also contribute to a safer online experience for all members of the community. Users' concerns over privacy should be explicitly addressed through transparent communication and updated policies in accordance with evolving standards in this digital age.

Fake Profiles

Blackplanet, a social networking site focused on the African American community, has unfortunately become vulnerable to fake profiles and bots. These instances have raised concerns regarding user safety and data privacy on the platform. To address this issue, Blackplanet has implemented a set of safety measures such as profile verification through email confirmation. However, users are still advised to exercise caution when interacting with others online. Additionally, Blackplanet's privacy policy highlights their commitment to protecting user information and maintaining a safe environment for its members.

  • Be cautious and vigilant while engaging with profiles on Blackplanet to ensure a safe experience.
  • Follow safety measures provided by the platform to avoid fake profiles and bots.
    • Regularly update your privacy settings as per Blackplanet's guidelines for enhanced security.
    • Exercise caution when sharing personal information and never disclose sensitive details like financial information or addresses.
    • Use strong, unique passwords for your account to prevent unauthorized access.
  • Familiarize yourself with Blackplanet's comprehensive privacy policy to understand how your data is protected and how the platform deals with fake profiles and bots.


Users can access support for Blackplanet through their dedicated support page on the website. Alternatively, they can reach out to Blackplanet's support team via email or by calling the provided phone number. The response time from the support team is generally prompt and efficient. Additionally, there is a comprehensive Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page available that addresses common inquiries and concerns. Compared to other alternatives, Blackplanet offers accessible and reliable support options to assist users with any issues they may encounter.

Blackplanet provides various avenues for users to access support, such as a dedicated support page on their website along with contact options including email and phone. Their support team typically responds promptly to user queries. Moreover, Blackplanet offers a helpful FAQ section that covers numerous commonly asked questions. When compared to other alternatives, Blackplanet's robust customer support ensures users receive assistance in a timely and effective manner.


Alright folks, gather 'round and lend me your ears. We're diving into the wild world of online dating once again, and this time we're taking a deep dive into Blackplanet. Now, hold onto your hats because this one's gonna be a bumpy ride! When it comes to dating sites and apps, I've seen it all - from epic fails to surprising successes. So naturally, I just had to give Blackplanet a whirl. And boy oh boy, let me tell you right off the bat that this app is about as useful as a screen door on a submarine. First things first, let's talk about the review rating: zero stars outta five!

Yep, you heard me right. The customer reviews are enough to make even the most optimistic dater grab their popcorn and settle in for an entertaining trainwreck. Now listen up my friends, when it comes to finding love or even just strutting your stuff in the vast sea of online connections, you want something that's sleek and user-friendly. Unfortunately, with Blackplanet, it feels like they took design cues from those ancient dial-up internet days when waiting ten minutes for one pixelated image was considered cutting-edge technology. And don't even get me started on the users themselves - or lack thereof. It's like trying to find Waldo in a crowd of penguins wearing red stripes. You'll come across more tumbleweeds than potential matches here. But hey now, let's not forget about safety!

Because when you're putting yourself out there in cyberspace looking for love (or at least someone who appreciates your undying love for cat memes), safety should always be front and center. But alas my friends, Blackplanet seems to have thrown caution to the wind like last night's leftover pizza crusts. Now some might argue that maybe Blackplanet is worth at least giving it a try because never know, right? Well, let me tell you something: there are better ways to spend your time and money than on this app. It's like going fishing without a hook or trying to paddle upstream against a waterfall - futile and frustrating. So my dear readers, if you're looking for love in all the wrong places, I implore you to steer clear of Blackplanet. Spare yourself the disappointment and invest your energy into an app that actually has some potential. Remember folks, life's too short for lackluster dating apps!

Video: Blackplanet review


1. Is Blackplanet legit?

Oh, Blackplanet, you're probably wondering if it's legit. Well, let me tell you - it's totally legit! It's been around for ages and addresses just what people are looking for: a fun platform to connect with like-minded individuals within the Black community. So don't worry about those frequently asked questions, go on and give it a try!

2. Is Blackplanet safe?

Yeah, I've tried Blackplanet and it's just what you'd expect from a dating site. It's got all the usual safety measures in place like profile verification and reporting options, so I feel pretty secure using it. If you want more info, check out their frequently asked questions section for everything you need to know about safety on the platform.

3. What payment methods does Blackplanet accept?

Blackplanet accepts just a few payment methods, as mentioned in their frequently asked questions page.

4. How to use Blackplanet without paying?

So here's the deal, if you want to use Blackplanet without paying, it's actually pretty simple. First off, take advantage of their free membership option which lets you create a profile and browse other profiles. Secondly, be sure to explore the frequently asked questions section on their website for tips and tricks on making the most out of your experience - that way you can fully enjoy what Blackplanet has to offer without shelling out any cash. Happy dating!

5. Can you delete your Blackplanet account?

Oh, absolutely! Deleting your Blackplanet account is totally doable. They have a straightforward process for it that they explain in their frequently asked questions section, so you can quickly and easily remove your profile if it's just not what you're looking for anymore.

6. How does Blackplanet website work?

So, Blackplanet is like a blast from the past but with a modern twist! It's basically a social networking site designed for African-American people looking to connect and maybe find love. You create a profile, add some cool photos and info about yourself, then you can browse through profiles of potential matches based on your interests and location. Easy peasy!

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My name is Gil Melle, and living with a famous name is an adventure. Whenever I introduce myself, people ask, "The jazz musician?" I smile and say, "No, I'm a dating coach." In a bustling city, my office helps those seeking love. I also write for Hitwe, share tips on Brides By Mail, and run my website Gil Melle. Despite the confusion, I embrace my namesake and focus on helping people find the right rhythm in their love lives.

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